I use Aquamail for a while now, and ther are two issues that drive me crazy almost every day...
The first one is that some messages are not properly synchronized.
Explanations :
I have several email accounts, well configured with IMAP in my Android 4.2 terminal (Galaxy S4).
I also read/write emails from other terminals (laptop at home for the most but at work also) that's why I use IMAP to keep my accounts up to date on every terminal.
But when I have read and deleted some messages from my laptop (for example), these messages sometimes (not always...) still remain in my phone, in the incoming folder and as unread... :-/
This issue does not appear with the native email client and with the same account configuration.
The second issue is that I have often many login errors during synchronization (authentication errors) although the accounts are obviously well configured (as it works most of the times, but not always). I have then to manually force a second sync and generally it works then.
I have not this kind of issue with the native email client with the same account configuration...
Thanks forward if anyone can help me solve these two boring issues

Edit : I forgot to precise that I have the licensed (pro) version of Aquamail
And sorry for my imperfect English which is not my native language