I did, sorry. Merged now.
Do you want to update this one?
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_view_summary">Zamienia oryginalne nazwy na nazwy przechowywane w Kontaktach, z wyjątkiem ekranu tworzenia wiadomości</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_compose_summary">Zastępuje oryginalne nazwy kontaktów na nazwy z Kontaktów ???????????</string>
Originals (EN):
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_view_summary">Replace original contact names with those from your Contacts, except on the compose screen</string>
<string name="prefs_contacts_replace_names_compose_summary">Replace original contact names with those from your Contacts, on the compose screen</string>
*** pl: Missing transations: 5
<!-- strings_ical.xml -->
<string name="ical_response_edit_and_send">Edit the response</string>
<string name="ical_response_send_now">Send the response now</string>
<string name="ical_response_dont_send">Don\'t send the response</string>
<!-- strings_prefs.xml -->
<string name="prefs_threaded_sender">Combine on sender + subject</string>
<string name="prefs_threaded_sender_summary">Even when the messages are not replies to each other</string>