Author Topic: French  (Read 112845 times)

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
« on: March 25, 2014, 02:28:59 am »

This is the list of currently missing translations for French.

Please post translations below, preserving the "<string... >" and "</string>" stuff. I will collect and integrate.

Even one or two at a time would be useful, and thanks in advance!

***** Found 86 missing translations for language fr

<!-- res/values/strings__global.xml -->

<string name="delete">Delete</string>
<string name="kick_sync_type_reboot">Device reboot</string>
<string name="navigation_drawer_account_list">Accounts</string>
<string name="navigation_drawer_close">Close navigation drawer</string>
<string name="navigation_drawer_open">Open navigation drawer</string>
<string name="webview_context_menu_dial">Dial…</string>
<string name="webview_context_menu_phone_copy_done">The phone number has been copied</string>
<string name="webview_context_menu_sms">Send SMS…</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_access.xml -->

<string name="access_color_button">Color sample</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_check_error_ews">Exchange mail server (EWS): %1$s.</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_login_ews_help">Corporate Exchange servers often require a domain, such as "corp/", "sales/", etc.</string>
<string-array name="account_setup_incoming_login_scheme_array">
        Choose automatically
        Prefer compatibility
<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Trying to discover server settings…</string>
<string name="account_setup_lookup_title">Server settings</string>
<string name="account_setup_progress_ews_message">Exchange mail server\nEWS…</string>
<string name="account_setup_warning_force_folders">The IMAP prefix has changed, please check folder settings.</string>
<string name="account_type_label_exchange">Exchange mail</string>
<string name="account_type_label_internet">Internet mail</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_exchange">Automatic setup for Office 365, Exchange Online. Often used for corporate mail. Uses EWS (Exchange Web Services) mail protocol. Kerio is not supported.</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_internet">Automatic setup for Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, Fastmail, and many others. Automatic or manual setup for other mail services using IMAP, POP3, SMTP. Sometimes used for corporate mail.</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_data.xml -->

<string name="data_account_actions_description">Initiate mail sync</string>
<string name="data_account_actions_label">AquaMail account actions</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_errors.xml -->

<string name="mail_error_kerio_not_supported">Kerio is not supported</string>
<string name="mail_task_contacts">loading contacts</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_help.xml -->

<string name="help_account_options">Long press an account or a folder for additional commands and settings.</string>
<string name="help_hint_message_header">Swipe the message header to navigate to previous/next message.\n\nTap the header to switch between brief and full info modes.</string>
<string name="help_hint_new_contact_picker">Use the contact picking button(s) on the left for:\n\nGroups, recent contacts, and server side contacts in Exchange and Office 365.</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_ical.xml -->

<string name="ical_action_delete">Remove</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_already_replied">Already replied</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel">Cancellation</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_already_deleted">This occurrence is already removed</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_instance">This cancellation is for one occurrence</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_not_saved">The referenced event does not exist in your calendar</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_series">This cancellation is for the series</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_send_reply">Send reply</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_update_in_calendar">Update in calendar (if not declined)</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_updated_event">An updated event</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_message_display.xml -->

<string name="message_display_action_forward_starred">Forward (to starred)</string>
<string name="message_display_menu_kk_cloud_print">Print via Google Cloud Print™</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_message_list.xml -->

<string name="message_list_menu_toggle">Toggle selection</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_new_message.xml -->

<string name="new_message_contacts_loading">Loading…</string>
<string name="starred_contact_picker_not_found">No starred contacts found</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_category_view_list_customize">Customize</string>
<string name="prefs_compose_reply_english">Quoting in English</string>
<string name="prefs_compose_reply_english_summary">Use English for quoting replies</string>
<string name="prefs_compose_reply_feats">Quoting features</string>
<string name="prefs_compose_reply_feats_indent">Indent replies</string>
<string name="prefs_compose_reply_feats_line">Horizontal line</string>
<string name="prefs_debug_db_data">Log database data</string>
<string name="prefs_debug_db_data_summary">Slow, verbose, at times indispensable</string>
<string name="prefs_display_action_bar_icons">Customize the buttons</string>
<string name="prefs_display_phone_numbers">Highlight phone numbers</string>
<string name="prefs_display_phone_numbers_summary">Make phone numbers into clickable links for easy dialing</string>
<string name="prefs_display_samsung_gesture_summary">Navigate messages by using gestures (hand-waving)</string>
<string name="prefs_flowed_text">Flowed text</string>
<string name="prefs_flowed_text_summary">Encode and decode plain text as format=flowed</string>
<string name="prefs_network_ssl_hardening">SSL hardening</string>
<string name="prefs_network_ssl_hardening_summary">Use more secure SSL/TLS ciphers and protocols</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_about">Notify about</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_about_new">New unread messages</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_about_unread">All unread messages</string>
<string name="prefs_preload_help_summary">The "Load when checking mail" settings below are observed by IMAP (exactly) and POP3 (approximately). EWS acccounts preload text portions of each message completely when checking mail.</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_nav_drawer">Navigation drawer</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_nav_drawer_summary">Use navigation drawer in message lists</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_smart_sent_as_self">Show sent as from self</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_smart_sent_as_self_summary">Show sent messages with you as sender</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_two_pane_resize">Allow resizing</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_two_pane_resize_summary">Display a thumb control for resizing the panels</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_group_background">Color: group header</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_group_text">Color: group text</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_line1_read">Color: line 1 (read)</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_line1_unread">Color: line 1 (unread)</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_line2">Color: line 2</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_previews">Color: previews</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_read_background">Color: read background</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_round_images">Round contact images</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_round_images_summary">Are circles on dem iPhones more rounder?</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_size_line1">Size: line 1</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_size_line2">Size: line 2</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_size_previews">Size: previews</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_slim_padding">Slim padding</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_slim_padding_summary">Less white space, more messages per screen</string>
<string name="prefs_widget_unread_style">Unread count style</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_status.xml -->

<string name="new_messages_message_one">One new message</string>
<string name="new_messages_smart_ticker_one">One new message in Smart Folder</string>
<string name="new_messages_ticker_one">One new message in %1$s</string>
« Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 12:34:00 am by Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail »
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:


  • Sr. Member
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  • Posts: 415
Re: French
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 04:13:55 am »
Here is what I did so far. I will do more later.

This is the list of currently missing translations for French.

Please post translations below, preserving the "<string... >" and "</string>" stuff. I will collect and integrate.

Even one or two at a time would be useful, and thanks in advance!

***** Found 86 missing translations for language fr

<!-- res/values/strings__global.xml -->

<string name="delete">Delete</string>

<string name="kick_sync_type_reboot">Device reboot</string>
<string name="navigation_drawer_account_list">Accounts</string>
<string name="navigation_drawer_close">Close navigation drawer</string>
<string name="navigation_drawer_open">Open navigation drawer</string>
<string name="webview_context_menu_dial">Dial…</string>
<string name="webview_context_menu_phone_copy_done">The phone number has been copied</string>
Le numero de telephone a été copié

<string name="webview_context_menu_sms">Send SMS…</string>
envoyez sms

<!-- res/values/strings_access.xml -->

<string name="access_color_button">Color sample</string>
Échantillon des couleurs

<!-- res/values/strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_check_error_ews">Exchange mail server (EWS): %1$s.</string>
<string name="account_setup_incoming_login_ews_help">Corporate Exchange servers often require a domain, such as "corp/", "sales/", etc.</string>
<string-array name="account_setup_incoming_login_scheme_array">
        Choose automatically
               Choisissez automatiquement

        Prefer compatibility
               compatibilité de preference

<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Trying to discover server settings…</string>
               essaiyant de découvrir les cadres du serveur

<string name="account_setup_lookup_title">Server settings</string>
              cadres de serveur

<string name="account_setup_progress_ews_message">Exchange mail server\nEWS…</string>
<string name="account_setup_warning_force_folders">The IMAP prefix has changed, please check folder settings.</string>
              Le préfixe d'IMAP a changé. Priere de vérifier les cadres du serveur

<string name="account_type_label_exchange">Exchange mail</string>
<string name="account_type_label_internet">Internet mail</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_exchange">Automatic setup for Office 365, Exchange Online. Often used for corporate mail. Uses EWS (Exchange Web Services) mail protocol. Kerio is not supported.</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_internet">Automatic setup for Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, Fastmail, and many others. Automatic or manual setup for other mail services using IMAP, POP3, SMTP. Sometimes used for corporate mail.</string>
               Configuration automatique pour Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, Fastmail et plusieurs autres. Configuration automatique ou manuelle pour les autres services d'emails utilizant IMAP, POP3, SMTP. Quelquefois pour le courrier d'entreprise.

<!-- res/values/strings_data.xml -->

<string name="data_account_actions_description">Initiate mail sync</string>
<string name="data_account_actions_label">AquaMail account actions</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_errors.xml -->

<string name="mail_error_kerio_not_supported">Kerio is not supported</string>
<string name="mail_task_contacts">loading contacts</string>
                 Chargement des contacts

<!-- res/values/strings_help.xml -->

<string name="help_account_options">Long press an account or a folder for additional commands and settings.</string>
<string name="help_hint_message_header">Swipe the message header to navigate to previous/next message.\n\nTap the header to switch between brief and full info modes.</string>
<string name="help_hint_new_contact_picker">Use the contact picking button(s) on the left for:\n\nGroups, recent contacts, and server side contacts in Exchange and Office 365.</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_ical.xml -->

<string name="ical_action_delete">Remove</string>

<string name="ical_dialog_already_replied">Already replied</string>
                   Déjà répondu

<string name="ical_dialog_cancel">Cancellation</string>

<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_already_deleted">This occurrence is already removed</string>
                   Cette occurrence est déjà retiré

<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_instance">This cancellation is for one occurrence</string>
                   Cette annulation est pour une occurrence

<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_not_saved">The referenced event does not exist in your calendar</string>
                   L'événement référencée n'existe pas dans votre calendrier

<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_series">This cancellation is for the series</string>
                   Cette annulation est pour la série

<string name="ical_dialog_send_reply">Send reply</string>
                   Envoyer la réponse

<string name="ical_dialog_update_in_calendar">Update in calendar (if not declined)</string>
                   Mise à jour dans le calendrier (si non décliné)

<string name="ical_dialog_updated_event">An updated event</string>
                   Un événement mis à jour

<!-- res/values/strings_message_display.xml -->

<string name="message_display_action_forward_starred">Forward (to starred)</string>

<string name="message_display_menu_kk_cloud_print">Print via Google Cloud Print™</string>
                     Imprimer via Google Cloud Print

<!-- res/values/strings_message_list.xml -->

<string name="message_list_menu_toggle">Toggle selection</string>
                          Inverser la sélection

<!-- res/values/strings_new_message.xml -->

<string name="new_message_contacts_loading">Loading…</string>

<string name="starred_contact_picker_not_found">No starred contacts found</string>
                         Aucun contact étoilés trouvés

<!-- res/values/strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_category_view_list_customize">Customize</string>

<string name="prefs_compose_reply_english">Quoting in English</string>
                             Citant en anglais

<string name="prefs_compose_reply_english_summary">Use English for quoting replies</string>
                             Utiliser l'anglais pour citer réponses

<string name="prefs_compose_reply_feats">Quoting features</string>
                             fonctionnalités de citation

<string name="prefs_compose_reply_feats_indent">Indent replies</string>
<string name="prefs_compose_reply_feats_line">Horizontal line</string>
                             Ligne horizontale

<string name="prefs_debug_db_data">Log database data</string>
                             Journal de la base de données

<string name="prefs_debug_db_data_summary">Slow, verbose, at times indispensable</string>
                             Lent, prolixe, parfois indispensable

<string name="prefs_display_action_bar_icons">Customize the buttons</string>
                             Personnaliser les boutons

<string name="prefs_display_phone_numbers">Highlight phone numbers</string>
                             Mettez en surbrillance numéros de téléphone

<string name="prefs_display_phone_numbers_summary">Make phone numbers into clickable links for easy dialing</string>
                             Faites les numéros de téléphone liens cliquables

<string name="prefs_display_samsung_gesture_summary">Navigate messages by using gestures (hand-waving)</string>
                             Naviguer dans les messages Par utilisation des gestes (agitation de main)

<string name="prefs_flowed_text">Flowed text</string>
                             Texte encadré

<string name="prefs_flowed_text_summary">Encode and decode plain text as format=flowed</string>
<string name="prefs_network_ssl_hardening">SSL hardening</string>
<string name="prefs_network_ssl_hardening_summary">Use more secure SSL/TLS ciphers and protocols</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_about">Notify about</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_about_new">New unread messages</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_about_unread">All unread messages</string>
<string name="prefs_preload_help_summary">The "Load when checking mail" settings below are observed by IMAP (exactly) and POP3 (approximately). EWS acccounts preload text portions of each message completely when checking mail.</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_nav_drawer">Navigation drawer</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_nav_drawer_summary">Use navigation drawer in message lists</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_smart_sent_as_self">Show sent as from self</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_smart_sent_as_self_summary">Show sent messages with you as sender</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_two_pane_resize">Allow resizing</string>
<string name="prefs_ui_two_pane_resize_summary">Display a thumb control for resizing the panels</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_group_background">Color: group header</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_group_text">Color: group text</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_line1_read">Color: line 1 (read)</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_line1_unread">Color: line 1 (unread)</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_line2">Color: line 2</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_previews">Color: previews</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_color_read_background">Color: read background</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_round_images">Round contact images</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_round_images_summary">Are circles on dem iPhones more rounder?</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_size_line1">Size: line 1</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_size_line2">Size: line 2</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_size_previews">Size: previews</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_slim_padding">Slim padding</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_slim_padding_summary">Less white space, more messages per screen</string>
<string name="prefs_widget_unread_style">Unread count style</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_status.xml -->

<string name="new_messages_message_one">One new message</string>
<string name="new_messages_smart_ticker_one">One new message in Smart Folder</string>
<string name="new_messages_ticker_one">One new message in %1$s</string>


  • Sr. Member
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  • Posts: 415
Re: French
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2014, 11:24:33 am »
Whatever Paris Geek. Just trying to help. You can do it if you wish.
Many of your other translations are identical to mine.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 11:34:23 am by someone »

Red Baron

  • Newbie
  • *
  • Posts: 3
Re: French
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2014, 04:40:03 pm »
Thanks A LOT, Paris Geek....   I almost had a heart attack, this morning, when opening this new section! You saved our (french) day....

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: French - updated March 26
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2014, 02:43:19 am »
Thanks! Above changes integrated and posted as 1.3.24.

Updated list:

***** Found 43 missing translations for language fr

<!-- res/values/strings_access.xml -->

<string name="access_color_button">Color sample</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_account_setup.xml -->

<string name="account_setup_progress_ews_message">Exchange mail server\nEWS…</string>
<string name="account_setup_check_error_ews">Exchange mail server (EWS): %1$s.</string>
<string name="account_setup_warning_force_folders">The IMAP prefix has changed, please check folder settings.</string>
<string name="account_type_label_internet">Internet mail</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_internet">Automatic setup for Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, Fastmail, and many others. Automatic or manual setup for other mail services using IMAP, POP3, SMTP. Sometimes used for corporate mail.</string>
<string name="account_type_label_exchange">Exchange mail</string>
<string name="account_type_summary_exchange">Automatic setup for Office 365, Exchange Online. Often used for corporate mail. Uses EWS (Exchange Web Services) mail protocol. Kerio is not supported.</string>
<string-array name="account_setup_incoming_login_scheme_array">
        Choose automatically
        Prefer compatibility
<string name="account_setup_incoming_login_ews_help">Corporate Exchange servers often require a domain, such as "corp/", "sales/", etc.</string>
<string name="account_setup_lookup_title">Server settings</string>
<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Trying to discover server settings…</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_data.xml -->

<string name="data_account_actions_label">AquaMail account actions</string>
<string name="data_account_actions_description">Initiate mail sync</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_errors.xml -->

<string name="mail_error_kerio_not_supported">Kerio is not supported</string>
<string name="mail_task_contacts">loading contacts</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_help.xml -->

<string name="help_hint_new_contact_picker">Use the contact picking button(s) on the left for:\n\nGroups, recent contacts, and server side contacts in Exchange and Office 365.</string>
<string name="help_hint_message_header">Swipe the message header to navigate to previous/next message.\n\nTap the header to switch between brief and full info modes.</string>
<string name="help_account_options">Long press an account or a folder for additional commands and settings.</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_ical.xml -->

<string name="ical_dialog_cancel">Cancellation</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_send_reply">Send reply</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_already_replied">Already replied</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_update_in_calendar">Update in calendar (if not declined)</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_updated_event">An updated event</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_not_saved">The referenced event does not exist in your calendar</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_already_deleted">This occurrence is already removed</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_instance">This cancellation is for one occurrence</string>
<string name="ical_dialog_cancel_series">This cancellation is for the series</string>
<string name="ical_action_delete">Remove</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_message_display.xml -->

<string name="message_display_action_forward_starred">Forward (to starred)</string>
<string name="message_display_menu_kk_cloud_print">Print via Google Cloud Print™</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_message_list.xml -->

<string name="message_list_menu_toggle">Toggle selection</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_new_message.xml -->

<string name="new_message_contacts_loading">Loading…</string>
<string name="starred_contact_picker_not_found">No starred contacts found</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_ui_notify_ongoing_summary">Progress notifications for message/attachment loading</string>
<string name="prefs_view_list_size_line2">Size: line 2</string>
<string name="prefs_compose_reply_english_summary">Use English for quoting replies</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_status.xml -->

<string name="new_messages_ticker_one">One new message in %1$s</string>
<plurals name="new_messages_ticker">
        %1$d new message in %2$s
        %1$d new messages in %2$s
<string name="new_messages_message_one">One new message</string>
<plurals name="new_messages_message">
        %1$d new message
        %1$d new messages
<string name="new_messages_smart_ticker_one">One new message in Smart Folder</string>
<plurals name="new_messages_smart_ticker">
        %1$d new message in Smart Folder
        %1$d new messages in Smart Folder
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: French
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2014, 05:42:23 pm »

Integrated as 1.3.25:

New "missing list" - almost done!

***** Found 3 missing translations for language fr

<!-- res/values/strings_help.xml -->

<string name="help_hint_new_contact_picker">Use the contact picking button(s) on the left for:\n\nGroups, recent contacts, and server side contacts in Exchange and Office 365.</string>
<string name="help_hint_message_header">Swipe the message header to navigate to previous/next message.\n\nTap the header to switch between brief and full info modes.</string>

<!-- res/values/strings_prefs.xml -->

<string name="prefs_ui_notify_ongoing_summary">Progress notifications for message/attachment loading</string>
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: French
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2014, 05:44:31 pm »
PS - there was only one occurrence of "Existance", fixed.
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: French
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2014, 09:40:21 pm »
Merged and posted as

French is now complete, woo-hoo!

Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:

Kostya Vasilyev

  • Hero Member
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  • Posts: 12740
Re: French
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2014, 09:42:26 pm »
PS - I'm curious, do things like " weekend " -> " week-end " have to do with "French" French vs. "Canadian" French?
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: French
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2014, 02:05:58 am »
Ah, yes, "fin de semaine" -- I remember that one from an earlier translation done by someone else (and the fight that ensued afterwards :) )

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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: French
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2014, 01:20:26 am »
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: French
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2014, 02:50:59 am »
Oops, sorry!

I did merge the "user agent" settings:

The "log features" don't need to be translated. I should really remove this setting from public builds.

A new one for you:

<string name="prefs_notify_reset_new_on_status_clear">Reset on notifcation clear</string>
<string name="prefs_notify_reset_new_on_status_clear_summary">Reset the "new" counter when notifications are cleared</string>

This is a new setting, works with "notify about new messages" (as opposed to "all unread"). When this setting is off, swiping a status bar notification away will not reset the app's counter of "new" messages.

Added to support seeing a "continuing" new message count on the app's icon (Apex, TouchWiz, Sony, Nova...) even after clearing a notification.
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: French
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2014, 11:57:38 pm »

Updated build ( posted here:

I've also removed the "debug log features" setting.
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Re: French
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2014, 11:36:30 pm »
Hi All,

I found this in one of the posts:
<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Trying to discover server settings…</string>
<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Essayant de retrouver les paramètres du serveur…</string>

I would suggest more appropriate ways to say this:
<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Trying to discover server settings…</string>
<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Tentative de découverte des paramètres du serveur en cours…</string>

Or (shorter):
<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Trying to discover server settings…</string>
<string name="account_setup_lookup_message">Recherche des paramètres du serveur en cours…</string>

Paris Geek: Your opinion?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: French
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2014, 12:20:52 am »
Updated in my source code, thanks!
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