Sorry folks, a very basic question is coming your way.

I've had AquaMail Pro installed on my Tab for a while, but not had the time to get to grips with it.
However, now I have a little more time to hand....
I pick up an email it's displayed and read.
I now want to Reply and Quote as I would on my PCs mail app, so that I can interleave my replies.
> Hi Arturox, the invasion fleet from "Somewhere over the rainbow", has arrived...
To which I will write my reply...
> Arturox, can you send us your transportation co-ordinates, then we'll send you a new "Interociter."
To which I will write my reply...
And so on...........
I can't seem to find any way of making this happen.
I'm aware of the menu options, "Reply (as new)" and "Reply (clean)". but neither of those give me the above noted...