Author Topic: Optimim sync setting for AOL email  (Read 4645 times)


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Optimim sync setting for AOL email
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:42:43 pm »
I downloaded the app over the weekend and truly like the capabilities (even purhcased the pro license).  I'm using it primarily for two AOL accounts that I need to have checked every 15-30 minutes, wihc out my having to initiate the check.  I've seen a few postings regarding the IMAP idle situation. 

Does anyone have an idea as to what an optimum configuration /setting woudl be to still get my email in a timely fashion while at the same time minimize the battery drain.  It appears that reducing the number of emails per page (mine is at 100) helps, but in and of itself doesn't get the job done.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Optimim sync setting for AOL email
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 12:08:03 am »
Well, the default mail check frequency is exactly every 25 minutes.

Push (IMAP IDLE) typically results in higher battery use.

The default "messages per page" is 25.
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