Author Topic: Email showing unread message but not downloading  (Read 4920 times)


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Email showing unread message but not downloading
« on: February 11, 2014, 06:48:21 pm »
Good morning.  I just purchased Aqua Mail Pro last night becuase of a problem with the native email client on my new Samsung Galaxy S4.  I have a Magic Mail account through work which wasn't working in IMAP (which I need) on the native email app.  It was working with GoDaddy for a second personal email that I have.

Now there is the opposite problem on Aqua Mail - the MagicMail IMAP is functioning but the GoDaddy IMAP is not.

Here's the problem: it is showing a number of unread messages but when I click on the email list the unread messages aren't there.  When I go onto the GoDaddy web app the emails are there and the number of unread is correct but the messages are simply not downloading into the Aqua Mail account.

Can someone help me or I will have to get a refund and go to K9 or something else to see if that will work.  I like the Aqua Mail otherwise.


Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Email showing unread message but not downloading
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2014, 11:26:18 pm »
Um, GoDaddy. I've seen this issue in debug logs -- the server just doesn't want to return some messages.

Their servers are actually load balanced (multiple servers behind same name, or whatever it is), and some work better than others, but I don't have any up-to-date knowledge on what the better ones are.

Please contact me for a refund at kmansoft / gmail / dot com and include your order number or the @gmail account under which you made the purchase.
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