OK, I figured it out and I have posted the following to BUGS:
I don't know if there is another way - if so I never found how to - but what I do to create a different widget for each of the 2 accounts I set up in AquaMail, is to long press on my Samsung Galaxy S4 homescreen and from there choose the AquaMail 1x1 counter (the only choice there is, is the standard white envelope with a blue A). The problem comes when dropping the widget on the homescreen - SOMETIMES a menu properly pops up that allows me to choose from a variety of options - most importantly, to pick the account I want to assign to the widget being created, but also to assign a NAME, to choose what Folders I want to be reflected numerically and to pick a new envelope color. Unfortunately; however, MOST of the time NOTHING happens - the default white envelope w/the blue A just stays on the the homescreen and NO option menu pops up to allow me to pick which account is being represented by the widget, let alone any other choices. I even tried RESTARTING my smart phone - but this was no help. After about 10 tries, the options menu pops up and I am able to set up.
Of course, NONE of this would be necessary but for the OTHER BUG that caused me to have to be re-creating a widget in the first place - that being that one of the colored envelope widgets I had originally created, STOPPED reflecting the numeric representation of e-mails. The e-mails were still coming in and I could hear the audible notification, but NO numbers were included w/the colorful envelope anymore. I thought I could resolve the problem by simply deleting and re-creating the widget to start fresh....that is when I ran into the afore mentioned BUG.
I sure hope these glitches can be resolved; I am still on a "trial" basis and this kind of aggravation does not make me want to pay for the PRO version, but so far, other than these issues, I DO like the application and I hope to make this my permanent program for this purpose.