Author Topic: Home Screen Widgets  (Read 11040 times)


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Home Screen Widgets
« on: February 08, 2014, 05:03:10 am »
I have been trying the trial version and have found it to be much more reliable in regards to receiving e-mails for my two work related accounts. 
I LOVE how the widgets can be different colors for different accounts and I REALLY LOVE how the widget reflects an orange number for new e-mails that turns blue once you have read it but left it "unread" and then changes to small black numbers at the bottom to reflect read message still in the folders - AWESOME. ;D
Recently; however, this very favorite feature stopped working for one of the two home-screen widgets I use (I have placed a blue one for one account and red one for the other account). It simply stopped displaying ANY numbers even though e-mails still came in and are apparent once I open the app to review e-mails for the account.
With all my amazing wisdom (NOT) I decided that the only thing to do would be to delete and then re-establish the widget.  This seemed to be a good idea until I found that I can't seem to locate or figure out HOW I found and placed these colorful envelope widgets on my home screen the first time??
I have searched every thing I can think of - IN the application setting, ON my Samsung Galaxy S4's app/widget section - but I can find them anywhere?!? ??? 
I am amazed that I obviously had NO problem doing it the first time and now have NO ability to do it again? 
Unless this feature is no longer offered, hopefully one of you smart folk can tell me the likely simple thing I am not doing that will get me back in the saddle again!  :(


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Re: Home Screen Widgets
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2014, 02:40:48 am »
I wish it was that easy! 
Though it was obviously there "somewhere" before (as I have one of the widgets left on the homescreen of my Samsung Galaxy S4), I still have not found it. 
When I open the phone application and go to Aqua Mail Settings, there is NO choice for Widgets to scroll down to?? There is only the following choices given: Help/FAQ/Forum; Mail, receiving; Mail, other; Look and feel; Account list; Smart Folder; Message list; Message view; Message notifications; Error notifications; Night and weekends; Composing and sending; Send notifications; Contacts; Search; Security; Network; Debug.
I have also OPENED each one of these trying to find the path - NO success.
I have also tried long pressing from each of the new accounts I created, thinking that since the widget is for the specific account, maybe it would be from those settings - but from there you find no choice for placing a widget on the homescreen - your choices are:Account setup; Options and folders; Identities; Special settings; Rename the account; Delete the account; Change order; Assign color; Diag:message dates.
I have also opened each of these choices trying to find the path - NO success.
From the phone itself - the only widget listed for AquaMail is a 1x1 counter (default white envelope w/blue A symbol).
Any other thoughts??  What kills me is obviously this was easy to find and set up before, or I wouldn't have already done it, so I am baffled as to why it is somehow unattainable now?


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Re: Home Screen Widgets
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2014, 06:37:06 am »
OK, I figured it out and I have posted the following to BUGS:

I don't know if there is another way - if so I never found how to - but what I do to create a different widget for each of the 2 accounts I set up in AquaMail, is to long press on my Samsung Galaxy S4 homescreen and from there choose the AquaMail 1x1 counter (the only choice there is, is the standard white envelope with a blue A).  The problem comes when dropping the widget on the homescreen - SOMETIMES a menu properly pops up that allows me to choose from a variety of options - most importantly, to pick the account I want to assign to the widget being created, but also to assign a NAME, to choose what Folders I want to be reflected numerically and to pick a new envelope color. Unfortunately; however, MOST of the time NOTHING happens - the default white envelope w/the blue A just stays on the the homescreen and NO option menu pops up to allow me to pick which account is being represented by the widget, let alone any other choices.  I even tried RESTARTING my smart phone - but this was no help. After about 10 tries, the options menu pops up and I am able to set up.   

Of course, NONE of this would be necessary but for the OTHER BUG that caused me to have to be re-creating a widget in the first place - that being that one of the colored envelope widgets I had originally created, STOPPED reflecting the numeric representation of e-mails.  The e-mails were still coming in and I could hear the audible notification, but NO numbers were included w/the colorful envelope anymore.  I thought I could resolve the problem by simply deleting and re-creating the widget to start fresh....that is when I ran into the afore mentioned BUG.

I sure hope these glitches can be resolved; I am still on a "trial" basis and this kind of aggravation does not make me want to pay for the PRO version, but so far, other than these issues, I DO like the application and I hope to make this my permanent program for this purpose.    :)

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Home Screen Widgets
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 12:13:58 am »
The widget unread counter appearance setting (under Widgets) is only in the latest development builds, and maybe those build haven't even been posted here yet.

The released version ( 1.3.8 ) only has the Samsung TouchWiz style (orangey-red circles).

Now, I wish I knew why the widget configuration screen doesn't show every time for you. And why widgets stop updating.

I wonder - do you ever swipe AquaMail from the recent apps list? If you do, can you try avoiding that, maybe just as a test?

That's pure guessing of course, but I know that 4.4 has a bug where doing this kills all background work that the app is doing (even though it's not supposed to).
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 12:23:48 am by Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail »
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Re: Home Screen Widgets
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 08:01:42 am »
Thank you for your response.  I also posted this in the BUGS section in case anyone else was having this same issue.
No I never do that (swipe apps from recent apps list). The only thing I really do in the recent apps list is choose the uninstall function -but that is all I do there. 
The GOOD thing is that, though the widget stops showing any visual notification (no numbers at all on the widget even when there are e-mails in folders) the e-mails ARE still coming in properly and the audio notifications are still working to alert me of their arrival - these are much more important functions than the luxury of seeing how many e-mails are there.  Hopefully the cause of this loss of visual notification will be discovered and fixed, but if/when it does happen again, I have decided that I will 1st try to re-start the phone in an attempt to re-set the application rather than trying to re-do the widget. And regarding re-doing the widget - though it takes between 5 - 10 tries at loading the widget before the options menu is revealed, it does always eventually show up and allow me to set up the widget; it is just a tad annoying having to try and try again.
All in all; however, I think the app is quite good and I probably will end up going "pro".

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Home Screen Widgets
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2014, 11:34:47 pm »
For the record, I also have an S4 Mini (the LTE version), and have not seen this issue in the few days I've had the device... Not questioning what you're seeing, but issues like this are almost impossible to diagnose.

I'm about to post a new development build, which supports the iPhone style "counter badge" on the app's icon itself (on recent Samsung devices... works on my S4 "mini", S4 "regular", Note 2, Note 3).
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