Author Topic: Can you please publish this for Windows 7 OS  (Read 10820 times)


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Can you please publish this for Windows 7 OS
« on: January 09, 2014, 05:50:58 pm »
Hello. I really like your email app running on my Samsung S4. In fact, I like it better than Microsoft Office 365 Outlook. Can you please make a version of this that will run on Windows 7 64bit. Thanks!

Rachel Ambler

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Re: Can you please publish this for Windows 7 OS
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 07:35:49 pm »
Hello. I really like your email app running on my Samsung S4. In fact, I like it better than Microsoft Office 365 Outlook. Can you please make a version of this that will run on Windows 7 64bit. Thanks!

I'd not hold out any hopes there! Developing Android apps is a most different process than Windows - even then I'd have thought that any new developer would target the new Windows 8.1 desktop mode (ala Metro) as opposed to 7.

Kostya's got his hands more than doubly fill with improvements to the Android app so I can't see any chance of this happening.

As an alternative, have you tried looking at BlueStacks? They have an app (currently free in beta) that allow you to run Android apps on Windows and MacOS.


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Re: Can you please publish this for Windows 7 OS
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014, 02:13:40 am »
Rachel > thanks for reply. I dont know anything about writing apps much less porting them from one OS to another. All I know is I really like AquaMail (uh, except for the name - how about rightMAIL, goodMail, multiMAIL, betterMAIL, superMAIL, crazyMAIL, justMAIL, myMAIL, theMAIL, totalMAIL, topMAIL ...or any of a thousand others - what has water got to do with mail - maybe its a Russian thing). AquaMail has all the features I ever wanted, is easy to use, reliable, and cheap. I just wish it was cross platform! I would kick in $20 to start a cloudfund for development (I'm not rich).


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Re: Can you please publish this for Windows 7 OS
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2014, 02:37:00 am »
Why not use a windows mail client like :
Claws mail


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Re: Can you please publish this for Windows 7 OS
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2014, 05:54:11 am »
Thunderbird looks good. I will give it a try. Thanks!


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Re: Can you please publish this for Windows 7 OS
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2014, 01:39:01 am »
Got to say this would be interesting. Not just for android but for IOS and other OS's as well.

I bet if our good developer even paid someone to convert the app for IOS / Windows ETC it would bring in a ton more for him :)

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Can you please publish this for Windows 7 OS
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2014, 04:13:31 pm »
There is a ton of great mail apps for Windows:

Thunderbird, Outlook (yes, why not), Windows Live Mail (also from MS, free, very good), EmClient ("the best Email client for Windows" - um, "modesty is my middle name"?).

About my app's name:

While in development, I called it "AndroMail" (I have no imagination), but someone beat me to it by posting a slightly modified K9 Mail to Google Play... causing much confusion:

For the release, I had to pick something that starts with an A, because drawing icons is a very difficult thing for me. I'd rather have half of my teeth removed with pliers and no sedation than draw another one :)

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