Author Topic: can I select in which folder AquaMail saves Emails? (i.e. Drafts)  (Read 4742 times)


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first of all: AquaMail is the best mail app ever!!! I love it!!

Using a german version, I came across a weird thing in saving a message in order to work on it later,
it is automatically saved in a folder "Entwürfe" which is the german word for "Drafts". This "Entwürfe" folder appears only
when I saved a message, it is not there any more after deleting the message in it.
But Using IMAP I would like AquaMail to save messages in "Drafts" for this is the right IMAP Folder
to synchronize my email client's website and therefore with my other devices.

Can I specify somewhere in which folders to save drafts?

thank you!
