Over Christmas, I spent time at the home of a relative. I connected my nexus 10 tablet to his wifi (his ISP is SKY; the router is branded "sky SR101"; available connection speed is very high), and found the following effect. It is not present when I connect at home or via public wifi.
I have three accounts being checked periodically, one of them has push enabled.
I find that when my tablet has been closed for some time, so has been sleeping, when i wake it the account with push enabled shows a red error message with a time (seen often in the past if I have lost the connection).
This only *seems* to happen on the push enabled account.
Is there some feature of push operation that can be adversely affected by some aspect of the router or ISP?
Could this be concerned with the way android handles the wifi while sleeping, and the router's handling of that?
I should emphasise that my email is not hosted on my ISP, but on a web server run by 1und1.de. The problem only appears at one location.
Happy christmas., and thanks for a decent email app.