English - Android > Feature requests
Tasks for the next iteration: post-1.3
Kostya Vasilyev:
I'm getting ready to post the 1.3.0 update.
My list for the next iteration, this is more or less in order...
- Navigation drawer
( Yes, I'm a reformed man now... nav drawers are not a fad, they're "progress", on par with the invention of antibiotics, the internal combustion engine, and city sewers )
- Notify about "new" messages, not all "unread" (including old ones)
- Embedded images in the rich text editor, including the signature
- Swipe to delete / mark read / etc. in message lists
I hope this next iteration (1.4? or should I go to "AquaMail 17" already?) doesn't take as long as 1.3 did.
threading messages? :) and another ideas by me: http://www.aqua-mail.com/forum/index.php?topic=1831.0
and maybe Showcase view (i gave you link for showcase library some time ago) for tips? it will look better, native.
and when user got more than 1 email, please add option to Mark all as read in notification.
--- Quote from: Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail on December 22, 2013, 04:56:55 pm ---I'm getting ready to post the 1.3.0 update.
My list for the next iteration, this is more or less in order...
- Navigation drawer
( Yes, I'm a reformed man now... nav drawers are not a fad, they're "progress", on par with the invention of antibiotics, the internal combustion engine, and city sewers )
- Notify about "new" messages, not all "unread" (including old ones)
- Embedded images in the rich text editor, including the signature
- Swipe to delete / mark read / etc. in message lists
I hope this next iteration (1.4? or should I go to "AquaMail 17" already?) doesn't take as long as 1.3 did.
--- End quote ---
Hi, very interesting follow your race to develop this beautiful client,
talking about style, I would lice a colored interface in message list, for example:
- select color for sender name
- selet color and font (size, type..) for object title
- select color and font for preview text
at this point the same in message page, when you open the email...
thanks for your feedback.
Kostya Vasilyev:
Um, let's not make this list a mile long.
I could easily write "yes, yes, yes", but...
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall write down all potential features, and lose track of his schedule?
--- Quote from: Kostya Vasilyev, Aqua Mail on December 22, 2013, 10:10:06 pm ---Um, let's not make this list a mile long.
I could easily write "yes, yes, yes", but...
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall write down all potential features, and lose track of his schedule?
--- End quote ---
we have a life ahead (I do not know how long) to make Aquamail perfect, sublime and the best in the world. :P
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