I use a number of forums, two of them appear to permit re-editing of your own recent posts, and one does not.
Actually, this forum will let you edit a post, and (using tapatalk) I get a message after I post the edited version ''edit post successful'' .
Despite that message, the post has not been edited, and does not appear even after a refresh.
Another forum I post to reports ''edit post failed'' and of course the edit is not posted.
A third one reports ''edit post successful'', and the edited post replaces the original. This is the behaviour I expect.
I find it is helpful to be able to edit something if I find I have made a mistake, and no-one has yet responded to it.
The forum that allows editing sets a reasonable time limit (I think 20 minutes}, after which editing your own post is not possible.
Is this forum supposed to allow re-editing of your own posts within a short time, or not?