4. As of approximately last summer, Aquamail can also combine conversations based on the subject alone. (This helps in case of non-compliant e-mail client programs.)
PS. @Kostya. The question about how conversations are grouped is a frequent question. You may consider adding it to the FAQ.
Thank you for the reply. Regarding 4. - does AM do it automatically or do I need to enable it myself to have AM combine conversations based on subject alone?
Regarding, PS - I think he did mention that it is somewhere up close to the top of the FAQ but I didn't manage to find it.
Among non compliant email apps (i. e. Not grouping as expected connex messages - when those messages are displayed in anothet email app):
- Samsung native mobile email app (s6, s7)
- EM client desktop email client (when forwarding messages)
- professional outlook versions before 2013 (they may add client customized prefixes in subjects)
1. What is 'EM client desktop email client'

2. As to 'professional outlook versions before 2013 (they may add client customized prefixes in subjects)' yes, they may and they do add client customized prefixes but that does not break a thread. Neither in my desktop Outlook 2010 Pro x64, not in AM on my phone. I got 3 email accounts which I view from 3 locations - from web-interfaces - live.com, gmail.com, etc. from Outlook 2010 Pro x64 on my notebook laptop and from AM on my phone. Once I set the settings as I described in my last post everything seems threaded correctly.
Can one use AquaMail in Win7? Is there some kind of a web-interface or ?
For clarity, I'd explicitly separate two issues: (1) noncompliancy of e-mail apps in the sense of loosing references in e-mail headers upon reply/forward and (2) difference in grouping messages in conversations (threads).
The three mail clients you listed, I believe, are pertaining to the first issue.
As for the the second issue, there is an implicit philosophical issue there: what is the reference point ("displayed in another email app")?
Gmail conversation grouping is (in some cases) somewhat different from that of Aquamail. But both are compliant with respect to the issue (1).
Good point of separating the 2 issues. The 3 email clients I mentioned have not got anything specific to do with either one of the 2 issues. It's more like this - I saw issues in AM and the way it displays threaded conversations in all 3 of my email accounts. Those issues are present in AM only and not in Outlook 2010 Pro. Once I took the necessary measures as described in my last post things got back to normal in AM.
I suppose the separation should be more like - 1) issues caused by missing internal headers and 2) issues caused by changed subject prefixes. 2) refers to the way I crossed out and below that edited my last post.
As to the 2nd paragraph of your msg - I guess, as mentioned, as of last summer, we can rely on AM that it would not only use internal headers as reference, but subjects as well. As long as it is able to pick up subject changes in prefixes in languages other than English, then that seems robust enough