Author Topic: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?  (Read 25248 times)


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Since threaded view is not there, I would like to see both Sent and Received emails in same message list, is this possible?
If not, it is not a huge deal, but it would be really great if we could see both sent and received emails in same list.

PS: I love how easy it is to access other folders. My only complain is that there is no text field/filter option in Move.. screen. We need to scroll up and down, and open folders and subfolders before we can file. Do you have any plans to add search/filter text field to folder view screen?


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Hi, can someone tell me if this is in fact not available in AM?
I looked everywhere, but I couldn't. I just want to see sent and received in same unified view.


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Hi, can someone tell me if this is in fact not available in AM?
I looked everywhere, but I couldn't. I just want to see sent and received in same unified view.
Long press on chosen account.
Account settings > composing and sending: check "sent in smart folder" or words to that effect (may need to scroll to see it)
To be clear, this puts it in the smart folder, but if you are viewing accounts one at a time you will only see sent or inbox, but not together. It only works in smart folder.


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Hi, can someone tell me if this is in fact not available in AM?
I looked everywhere, but I couldn't. I just want to see sent and received in same unified view.
Long press on chosen account.
Account settings > composing and sending: check "sent in smart folder" or words to that effect (may need to scroll to see it)
To be clear, this puts it in the smart folder, but if you are viewing accounts one at a time you will only see sent or inbox, but not together. It only works in smart folder.

I have been playing with AM for 2 days and I figured this out today, I should have come back and posted that I found it, but I appreciate your response.

I was also referring to making more folders available, and I noticed this is available in Account/Options and Folders/Folders/Show in Smart Folder. Awesome.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Sorry about the delay (with the amount of emails I get, it's hard to check the forum as often as I'd like).

Yes, you can choose which folders are your "favorite" ones, i.e. sync on a schedule and are available on the main screen, under each account's Options and Folders / Folders.

It's also covered in the FAQ, right near the top:
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

Вопросы и ответы:


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OK, I still see no option for threaded view in AM? Am I missing sth? I guess I have to go with the approach described in this thread ... however look at the attachment - I can add the Inbox to Smart folder but not Sent! That's the case with all 3 of my gmail and live accounts. Any ideas? I need a threaded view or sth where I can follow the logical link btwn emails !!!


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Hi oioioi3,
You can find this option in the settings:
> Menu > Settings > Conversations > enable "Across Folders" (... to combine incoming and sent messages)
Screenshot #1

And there is another option under:
> Menu > Settings > Smart Folder > enable "Sent messages" (... to include/show sent messages in Smart Folder: even if "Conversation mode" is disabled)
Screenshot #2

« Last Edit: January 12, 2017, 08:08:04 am by mikeone »


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Hi and thank you for the reply! I appreciate your help. I love AM as it simply is the best email client out there.

I did have ''Sent messages" for smart folder enabled and also did enable the 1st setting you suggest, but regardless, the Smart folder shows the order of the email thread completely messed up, no idea why! That's not that important, as I don't use the smart folder.

The main problem is in each email account's inbox or sent folder. I did enable > Menu > Settings > Conversations > enable "Across Folders" (... to combine incoming and sent messages), as you suggested and it did have an effect, although not the expected one. It does now show almost the whole thread of emails. I say almost cos for some reason it skips an email here and there, no idea why. I have MS Outlook 2010 on my PC as a reference and there things are as they should be - logically ordered according to the email thread. However, in AM some emails from the thread are skipped. Beats me! Just randomly like that. At least it keeps a correct chronological order and sequence of the emails it decides to display from the thread. The Smart folder doesn't display emails in the correct chronological order. I do assume this might be fixed under the settings, as I do remember seeing criteria acc. to which to sort ... but as I said, I'm not too concerned with the smart folder. I just want to make sure my inbox/sent folders for various accounts do display a chronological thread of sent/received emails.

Anyway, I love AM and I'm just struggling to get it to work the right way. Anybody's input on this is appreciated!


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Well, somewhat a success now! :)))) I now noticed I had things set up slightly different than you first screenshot (and I think this is how it was by default cos I don't remember ever touching this) So, I had it > Menu > Settings > Conversations > Break on subject change (enabled). So I disabled that and did reindex (very important!) conversations (the option right below) and that now made all the difference. Just make sure that while it is indexing your screen remains on, otherwise it gets stuck. Just swipe down the notifications a few times :)

The weird thing, however, is that for the sake of a test and to be sure I did go ahead and reverted that setting but it didn't mess things up, as I expected. It kept them displayed correctly as needed. And that makes sense cos that setting is only for a break on subject change and in my case there was no real subject change, just AM behaving oddly. So we can conclude that all that was needed was actually the reindexing/refreshing. It wasn't really a matter of whether or not the break on subject change was on or off.

However, when I do disable break on subject change - the needed changes are not displayed correctly. In Outlook on my PC I see an email thread indeed including a subject change and there the thread and all various emails part of it are kept together, cos it is one and the same thread. In AM however, although I did disable break on subject change and did reindex all emails, it still does not keep some email together with the thread they belong to. Outlook on PC does it. So is that a shortcoming of AM's setting 'Break on subject change' or the reindexing procedure or what?

I crossed this all out cos I figured out what was causing the problem described in the crossed out text. The mail that was not kept together in its thread was one which had a different suffix. It was a suffix 'Read: RE: ...' indicating that my reply email was read by the receiver. However, the word 'read' was written in another language, not English and that is why AM cannot guess this word as a suffix and it breaks this email from the rest of the thread. Somehow Outlook knew that this word from the foreign language was referring to 'read' in English and that is why outlook kept that email correctly together in its thread. That's prolly cos I have the Outlook language packs installed for this language and thus Outlook knows that the new word used in the subject prefix translates to 'read' so that's how it knew that it should keep it in the thread. AM could not have know that, cos it doesn't even have a language pack or translation to Danish, as such is not even needed. So .. bottom line, no need to blame AM. I guess the only downside was that AM was not able to intercept the internal header to use as a reference point, but I guess that header is destroyed in an automatic email reply showing that the reader has read my email - so again - no need to blame AM.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 07:14:07 pm by oioioi3 »


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1. You need to re-index on any change of the options pertaining to the conversations. (Each way!)
2. "Break conversations on subject change" works as described: when the sender changes the subject (except for prefixes/suffixes such as "Re:", "(fwd)", etc.), Aquamail starts a new thread.
3. Normally, Aquamail combines the conversations based on the references in the "internal" headers. When you reply to or forward a message, your e-mail program inserts those as a reference to the prior message (as well as often keeps the previous ones). There are a few non-compliant e-mail client programs (possibly including some web-interfaces) that drop those headers/references. Then there is no reliable information to attach that message to the conversation. (see 4.)
4. As of approximately last summer, Aquamail can also combine conversations based on the subject alone. (This helps in case of non-compliant e-mail client programs.)

I hope this helps.

PS. @Kostya.  The question about how conversations are grouped is a frequent question. You may consider adding it to the FAQ.


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Among non compliant email apps (i. e. Not grouping as expected connex messages - when those messages are displayed in anothet email app):
- Samsung native mobile email app (s6, s7)
- EM client desktop email client (when forwarding messages)
- professional outlook versions before 2013 (they may add client customized prefixes in subjects)

Writing to the first two did not help in changing their code. Conclusion : if conversation view breaks, you'll have to live with it unless you use the same app (or compliant apps) everywhere. Gmail desktop/AquaMail/Thunderbird/Apple mail work well together

For clarity, I'd explicitly separate two issues: (1) noncompliancy of e-mail apps in the sense of loosing references in e-mail headers upon reply/forward and (2) difference in grouping messages in conversations (threads).
The three mail clients you listed, I believe, are pertaining to the first issue.

As for the the second issue, there is an implicit philosophical issue there: what is the reference point ("displayed in another email app")?
Gmail conversation grouping is (in some cases) somewhat different from that of Aquamail. But both are compliant with respect to the issue (1).


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4. As of approximately last summer, Aquamail can also combine conversations based on the subject alone. (This helps in case of non-compliant e-mail client programs.)

PS. @Kostya.  The question about how conversations are grouped is a frequent question. You may consider adding it to the FAQ.

Thank you for the reply. Regarding 4. - does AM do it automatically or do I need to enable it myself to have AM combine conversations based on subject alone?

Regarding, PS - I think he did mention that it is somewhere up close to the top of the FAQ but I didn't manage to find it.

Among non compliant email apps (i. e. Not grouping as expected connex messages - when those messages are displayed in anothet email app):
- Samsung native mobile email app (s6, s7)
- EM client desktop email client (when forwarding messages)
- professional outlook versions before 2013 (they may add client customized prefixes in subjects)

1. What is 'EM client desktop email client' ???

2. As to 'professional outlook versions before 2013 (they may add client customized prefixes in subjects)' yes, they may and they do add client customized prefixes but that does not break a thread. Neither in my desktop Outlook 2010 Pro x64, not in AM on my phone. I got 3 email accounts which I view from 3 locations - from web-interfaces -,, etc. from Outlook 2010 Pro x64 on my notebook laptop and from AM on my phone. Once I set the settings as I described in my last post everything seems threaded correctly.

Can one use AquaMail in Win7? Is there some kind of a web-interface or ?

For clarity, I'd explicitly separate two issues: (1) noncompliancy of e-mail apps in the sense of loosing references in e-mail headers upon reply/forward and (2) difference in grouping messages in conversations (threads).
The three mail clients you listed, I believe, are pertaining to the first issue.

As for the the second issue, there is an implicit philosophical issue there: what is the reference point ("displayed in another email app")?
Gmail conversation grouping is (in some cases) somewhat different from that of Aquamail. But both are compliant with respect to the issue (1).

Good point of separating the 2 issues. The 3 email clients I mentioned have not got anything specific to do with either one of the 2 issues. It's more like this - I saw issues in AM and the way it displays threaded conversations in all 3 of my email accounts. Those issues are present in AM only and not in Outlook 2010 Pro. Once I took the necessary measures as described in my last post things got back to normal in AM.

I suppose the separation should be more like - 1) issues caused by missing internal headers and 2) issues caused by changed subject prefixes. 2) refers to the way I crossed out and below that edited my last post.

As to the 2nd paragraph of your msg - I guess, as mentioned, as of last summer, we can rely on AM that it would not only use internal headers as reference, but subjects as well. As long as it is able to pick up subject changes in prefixes in languages other than English, then that seems robust enough :)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 07:53:49 pm by oioioi3 »


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Search "Genymotion" or "emulation" on this forum. I've already mentioned that I'm using AquaMail on my (powerful) desktop PC (via emulation) and it's as good as Thunderbird (even with heavy customization using css).

AquaMail (pro) is even better in many areas:
- sending to a group of recipients (you can see the individuals in the group, and remove one or many of them before sending)
- identities have got names (in addition to their email address) allowing the user to easily distinguish and use them
- it's easier to customize signatures (without having to know and use html code)
- customizing colors (in message and account list) is possible without having to manipulate css code in specific files like with Thunderbird

Thanks for the reply. On a slightly side note, I just wanna mention that I'd personally stay away from Thunderbird, developed by giant corporations like Mozilla, which nowadays is going down, IMO, (not that Outlook is better) and would side with something like FossaMail, developed by the PaleMoon guys. It's clean and simple, without bloatware and spyware.


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> Menu > Settings > Conversations > enable "Across Folders" (... to combine incoming and sent messages)

> Menu > Settings > Smart Folder > enable "Sent messages" (... to include/show sent messages in Smart Folder: even if "Conversation mode" is disabled)

So now, after changing those settings another problem emerged. The problem wasn't there prior to making those changes in AM and it appeared shortly after implementing the changes so I guess that's the culprit. Obviously these 2 changes somehow had an effect on all 3 of my accounts and that also reflected in my desktop Outlook 2010 Pro x64 (where threads and conversations have so far always been ordered and group correctly). The problem that emerged after implementing the 2 changes in AM is as follows - I received a couple of emails in my and my ms exchange school email accounts and I replied to those email in a matter of seconds. That is, the emails were received at, say, 9:42 and I replied also at 9:42. For some reason now, both Outlook and AM put the wrong order. They put my reply of 9:42 before the email from 9:42, which I'm replying to .... makes no sense. How can one be replying an email which hasn't yet been received. This is how thread conversations are now ordered both in AM and Outlook. The logical and correct order should be firstly to show the email I received at 9:42 and after that put my reply from 9:42, since this is what happened in reality. Might be a difference of 15 seconds but that clearly matters for the thread order.

This has never been an issue before, cos it is not the first time I receive an email and reply to in in a matter of seconds. Any ideas, please?
« Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 03:23:43 pm by oioioi3 »


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I suspect you may have invoked the time-machine built-in into Aquamail. (Tsss! That's a secret... If you here sirens, that might be the secret service coming for you to "erase" you...)

On a serious note, the problem is most likely stemming from the lack of synchronization between your phone and one of the servers (which one, - that depends on several details: whether you used Outlook or Aquamail, how your Aquamail is configured etc.). So, that's from the difference in the time stamp on the two messages, and the origin of those time stamps is different for both messages.
One of the factors the might help you to overcome this artifact in Aquamail is this option:
open the account’s options and folders -> IMAP options, and change “which message date/time to download” to “Date/time sent (from message header)”.
(Read some thoughts related to that option and message ordering in the FAQ item "Messages out of order, or wrong message dates": .)