Author Topic: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?  (Read 25133 times)


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So first of all, thank you both of you for the support! It's a tricky issue, cos I've trying to track it from the web-inteface www.schoolmail.... from Outlook and from AM and there's even a difference as to whether you view the conversation thread from the Sent Items folder or from the Inbox ... clearly both folders show the thread of emails, but one folder orders it correctly and the other does not. It is completely a mind-f%ck but nevermind. Will elaborate on it later if needed

Did u reply using outlook or AquaMail? If it's outlook (not AquaMail)  the issue is not related to AquaMail.

I replied in Outlook, but as I said the issue had never occurred in the last ... more than 5 years that I've been using Outlook. It occurred only after I tweak those settings in AM. That's why I though those settings had an influence on my email accounts and that reflected in the strange behaviour in Outlook. I wasn't referring to any magical time machines, @StR ... but ok ... joke's on me. I think I clarified the issue and the fact that it never occurred in the last 5+ years of my using Outlook.

On a serious note, the problem is most likely stemming from the lack of synchronization between your phone and one of the servers (which one, - that depends on several details: whether you used Outlook or Aquamail, how your Aquamail is configured etc.). So, that's from the difference in the time stamp on the two messages, and the origin of those time stamps is different for both messages.
One of the factors the might help you to overcome this artifact in Aquamail is this option:
open the account’s options and folders -> IMAP options, and change “which message date/time to download” to “Date/time sent (from message header)”.
(Read some thoughts related to that option and message ordering in the FAQ item "Messages out of order, or wrong message dates": .)

I understand that it is a lack of synchronization but let me re-clarify the issue again. So, firstly I modified the settings in AM as advised. That then had the expected and desired effect of how AM displays emails threads on my phone. Few days go by, phone is away from me, I sit my a$$ :) on the PC and reply emails on Outlook 2010. It was at that point that 2 of the emails (and plenty more upon further tests) I replied via Outlook got messed up, as I described - my reply was placed before the email I was replying to. That never ever happened before. That's why I thought it's prolly sth to do with the AM settings I tweaked and the fact that they somehow had an effect on my accounts. Those effects on my accounts reflected in Outlook and in AM, but not in the web-interface - there the crazy 'time-machine' issue is not present.

Anyway StR, I tried the setting you are suggesting, and ALSO did reindex conversation, but the expected effect was not there.

Let me just ask this - do you know where in Outlook 2010 one can find the setting you're describing - “which message date/time to download” to “Date/time sent (from message header)”. I cannot find it anywhere!


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Let me just ask this - do you know where in Outlook 2010 one can find the setting you're describing - “which message date/time to download” to “Date/time sent (from message header)”. I cannot find it anywhere!

Figured it out! As pointed out it was a problem of a reference-point point of view LOL :) It's cos I had shifted my system's time ahead slightly and the person that replied to me had the accurate time. That's why Outlook was displaying things wrong. Why AM was also displaying things wrong beats me since the time on my Phone is accurate but anyway.

On my phone the problem was solved as pointed out by StR by 'he account’s options and folders -> IMAP options, and change “which message date/time to download” to “Date/time sent (from message header)”'. I applied that settings to both of my IMAP accounts - that is my gmail account and my school ms exchange server account and that made my phone and AM display things correctly, based on the internal header's time stamp, not based on a user's system's time stamp, which can be set to whatever the user wishes. I am not sure, however, where to find this setting for me account, since it doesn't have the 'IMAP options' option.

And on my notebook PC I solved the problem in Outlook in a similar way. Had to go under the view settings > Advanced View settings > and make sure that Group by is set to Conversation and Sort is set to Conversation Index ... this way the internal message headers are used and NOT a user's system's time stamp. If you don't set your Outlook this way, chances are that it would sort your conversation threads based on however each user set their system time and that is simply a big fat lie cos it's not an accurate representation of a conversation thread :) Also make sure to keep the 'Use Classic Indented View' enabled in your Outlook's Conversation Settings drop down. Otherwise, the 'Sort by Conversation Index' gets removed and you lose sorting according to headers. Dunno why it has to be THAT difficult, but it just shows that Outlook is simply not the best option out there. Was planning a move towards Thunderbird and then towards FossaMail. The emulation option to use AM on desktop is cool too. Bottom line - with all the tips provided so far - AM works well and is not the culprit of any time-machine issue, for which I must apologize! :)

Thank you all for contributing and hopefully someone else will find all this helpful! :)


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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2017, 12:27:37 pm »
2. "Break conversations on subject change" works as described: when the sender changes the subject (except for prefixes/suffixes such as "Re:", "(fwd)", etc.), Aquamail starts a new thread.

I do understand this! However, in my case, AM  breaks a conversation also on a 'Read:' prefix ... Outlook doesn't do it. So is there any way to manually tell AM which prefixes you want it to take into account in order NOT to break the conversation upon those prefixes? A user-defined list here would be great as it would allow the user to type a custom prefix, even a prefix in a foreign language (in that regard it's strange that AM doesn't understand the prefix 'Read:' since it's in English, but I guess it's just not built into the app), and thus AM would keep a threaded view even if prefixes such as RE: or Read: are in a foreign language. This happens to me (and surely to others) all the time.

Dev(s), please consider this as it is a minor change (in my modest opinion), yet one hiding significant improvement benefits for the app!
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 12:29:26 pm by oioioi3 »


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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2017, 01:41:54 pm »
I get your point! Thanks for the comments and effort! Then there simply has to be 1 standard everyone follows and then everything should be ok, but we sadly know this is not how the world words ... if I get you right then if all apps, clients and whatever simply all used the references in the headers then there should be no problem, but trying to link or create a tread with (as you called it) other tricks, would simple break a tread eventually ... that's why (as I said) everyone/everything needs to stick to 1 way and 1 way only of threading and linking conversations, but that's not the status quo as I see it nowadays. Oh well, as you said ... one has to live with it ... so be it :)


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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2017, 05:20:16 pm »
I get your point! Thanks for the comments and effort! Then there simply has to be 1 standard everyone follows and then everything should be ok, but we sadly know this is not how the world words ...

There are standards for various Internet-related functions. They are contained in RFC's:
Headers "References:" and "In-Reply-To:" are well documented in the corresponding RFC describing e-mail message structure. (RFC 4021 and RFC 2822) See, e.g.
And the early description of how threads are formed can be found in this old document by D. J. Bernstein, -- the author of [one of] the first (and still actively used) program for transmission of e-mail messages between, "sendmail". That note is somewhat old (meaning that the standards may have been updated and extended since the time that was written), but it describes how threads are/should be formed.


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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2017, 02:03:41 pm »
There are standards for various Internet-related functions. They are contained in RFC's:
Headers "References:" and "In-Reply-To:" are well documented in the corresponding RFC describing e-mail message structure. (RFC 4021 and RFC 2822) See, e.g.
And the early description of how threads are formed can be found in this old document by D. J. Bernstein, -- the author of [one of] the first (and still actively used) program for transmission of e-mail messages between, "sendmail". That note is somewhat old (meaning that the standards may have been updated and extended since the time that was written), but it describes how threads are/should be formed.

Yes, I understood that there are standards, but if I understood Paris Geek's comment then those standards are simply not being followed by all apps/programs/platforms/web interfaces etc ... otherwise, if they were being followed, we wouldn't get this disconcerted issue of threads and conversation being displayed wrong or different or whatever. All I meant was that IMO it would be awesome if all platforms, clients, apps, web-interfaces, etc. followed the same standard so that we get threads and conversations displayed the same way and consistently throughout all the various  platforms, clients, apps, web-interfaces that we use to view or emails.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 02:05:56 pm by oioioi3 »


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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2017, 02:25:44 pm »
I absolutely agree with you and second your views. I personally dislike large organisations like MS, but for business reasons was forced to begin my way with Outlook some years ago and have stuck with it till now. Thunderbird is ok, but Mozilla are now not much different than MS. Their Thunderbird will one day also follow the path of MS products, which for 2013 and 2016 you correctly highlighted as wrong. I am completely against MS 2013 and 2016 products as there is only bloat in them and nothing else new (btw, same with Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 ...). Last good version of MS office suite is 2010 and since that year I've been on it till now ... especially referring to Outlook.

Yes, you are absolutely right .. large, annoying corporations like MS just decide for whatever reason to annoy their users by not following standards and in many other ways.

I think thunderbird is ok, but I have my eyes on FossaMail by the Pale Moon team... knowing their browser I have very high expectations of their email client as well.


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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2017, 02:57:25 pm »

Yes, you are absolutely right .. large, annoying corporations like MS just decide for whatever reason to annoy their users by not following standards and in many other ways.

I hope - and expect - that Mobisystems is different. The white background of Floating Context Bar (displayed when you select a message in Message list) is annoying AquaMail users - Putting the date on second line also, etc...
Will Mobisytems change that? Wait and see...

Well ... aint got much experience with them other than using their OfficeSuite app which is good, though a bit slow and very slightly overloaded or overbloated with some stuff but it is good. And it was only recently I heard they now own AM as well ... be4 that I knew the dev was a Russian guy and he did a pretty darn good job of the app. Not sure if he is still gonna work on the app alongside MobiSystems, but yeah, as u said ... let's wait and see (or let's live a bit and we'll see - the Russian dev would know what I mean:))

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2017, 10:35:00 pm »
Re: Not sure if he is still gonna work on the app alongside MobiSystems

I'm that "Russian guy" and yes I still work on the app together with people from MobiSystems.
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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2017, 10:38:41 pm »
Re: Not sure if he is still gonna work on the app alongside MobiSystems

I'm that "Russian guy" and yes I still work on the app together with people from MobiSystems.

Yeps! Privet, Kostya! Twas precisely you I was talking about :) Good to hear then you are still working on it. As I said you have done a pretty darn good job of this app so far for which all I can say is a big Thank You! ;)

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2017, 10:47:52 pm »

"As I said you have done a pretty darn good job of this app so far for which all I can say is a big Thank You"

Thank you, that's very kind.
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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2017, 05:38:51 pm »
Re: Background color of Floating context bar was fixed in v1. 8.0-dev-168. THANKS

Not just that.

Some text items (in message list) got darker color, so the whole thing is easier to read. We also reduced the interval between line 1 / line 2 / preview.

Contact "chip" colors (color letters) will be adjusted too, soon, to be a bit more bright again.
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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2017, 12:34:25 pm »
Just to ask, when is a v1.8 Final/Stable expected?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2017, 04:58:05 pm »
Re: Just to ask, when is a v1.8 Final/Stable expected?

All I can say is that, now with MobiSystems involved, we're shooting for shorter / faster release cycles than before.
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Re: How do you see multiple folders in Inbox? Inbox and Sent items for example?
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2017, 05:09:42 pm »
Re: Just to ask, when is a v1.8 Final/Stable expected?

All I can say is that, now with MobiSystems involved, we're shooting for shorter / faster release cycles than before.

Spasibo, Kostya! :)