Author Topic: Message Sort Order  (Read 6196 times)


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Message Sort Order
« on: October 30, 2013, 06:58:03 am »
I know this has come up before, but doesn't appear to be any activity.  Thought I would add a voice.

I am a relatively new user of AquaMail, love it, but it makes me crazy that it sorts on sent date and time, not received date and time.  For a while I thought it was losing messages, as when I would get into Outlook and pull messages from the server, I would find new mail that I never saw on my phone.  Then happened to notice discrepancies between sent and received times.  Saw a lot of discussion about people not being able to keep time on their devices correct.  I assure you that that is not the issue.  It's a whole lot of infrastructure that most of the time works fine, but sometimes doesn't.  There may be stupid users for sure, but that explains a whole lot less than 100% of the issue.

What is important for ME is that I can look at my phone and see what has shown up since the last time I looked.  It makes no sense to me to search through my old email just in case some random message showed up with an oddball sent time on it. 

So, is this on the To Do list or what?

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Message Sort Order
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2013, 02:33:00 am »
To my knowledge, about 100% of such issues are caused by the sending devices being configured with wrong time / time zone.

Still, having said this:

Please run a message date diagnostic test when you get messages like these:

Long press the account, select last item (Diag: message dates), select your folder, run the test to completion, email me the log (you'll be prompted at the end).

Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: Message Sort Order
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 10:33:52 pm »
Creating debug logs for diagnostics:

The official FAQ:

Лог-файлы для диагностики:

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