Author Topic: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?  (Read 37027 times)


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AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« on: December 13, 2012, 07:42:13 am »
I didn't know what to use for search terms to try to find an answer to this question.

AquaMail was very easy to set up with my account, thank you for that!  I really appreciate that.

My problem is, that my inbox does not update when I make changes on my PC.  I have never had an email app that would not do this.  So when I read an email on my PC, and then delete it, it does not get updated and deleted on my phone (Google Nexus, Jellybean).  I have to delete everything again when I open AquaMail.  Is this a setting that I am missing?  I really like AquaMail, but this is a terrible nuisance.

Thanks for any help.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2012, 03:31:28 am »
My app connects to Hotmail / Outlook using POP3, and thus can't sync individual messages being deleted.

If your desktop mail app happens to be set to delete all messages from the server after it checks mail, there is an extended setting under each POP3 account's "Options and Folders", to purge all messages for this account from the app if it finds that there are no messages on the server.
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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2013, 02:31:00 am »
Hi, I set my hotmail account in the app to purge all messages not found on the server, yet they still show up no matter how many times I have's fine if I delete the mail from the app itself--it will move to the deleted folder.  However, even when I delete mail from my PC, and delete from Deleted folder, then sync Aqua, the messages still show.  I'm running a Nexus 4 on Jellybean


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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2013, 08:43:57 pm »
My app connects to Hotmail / Outlook using POP3, and thus can't sync individual messages being deleted.

If your desktop mail app happens to be set to delete all messages from the server after it checks mail, there is an extended setting under each POP3 account's "Options and Folders", to purge all messages for this account from the app if it finds that there are no messages on the server.

k9 mail will delete individual emails that are deleted using other apps on a pop3 account.  My motorola xoom tablets stock email app will also do this.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2013, 03:02:22 am »
Here it is:

You will want to bring up "options and folders" and enable the new "Remove deleted messages".

Before leaving that screen:

When the new setting is enabled, the "Messages to keep" (the on-device cache) setting becomes useless, and will be disabled.

I recommend selecting a larger value for "Messages per page" (how many recent messages to keep synced).

Please let me know how this works for you.
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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2013, 03:15:19 am »
I had the same problem, on stock client it works fine and on other clients. I switched from the stock client to Aqua Mail couple days ago, and i love it! The only thing i was missing was "Remove deleted messages from phone if they are deleted on pc (server)". Version works great, Thank you Kostya Vasilyev :)
When will  this version (and/or feature "Remove deleted messages") released in the official play store?
Sorry for my bad english, greetings from switzerland :P

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2013, 02:08:32 am »
Yes, it will be released, absolutely.

Here is an update:

( that one might have had some bugs... this one has fixes and maybe other bugs.... just kidding -- I do test before releasing even these snapshots )

My plan is to finally implement "as needed" folder navigation, then make a release.
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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2013, 03:12:02 am »
Ah ok nice :)

I know, i already downloaded this version 3 days ago or so. but i got back to because the app crashes when i was going to "options and folders". Edit: Oh i see you fixed that and uploaded a new version of ;)
What i don't like about the new version is that when i'm in my inbox (and i'm mostly there, start the app in inbox too) that the title is "account name" (which is my email) and then comes "inbox". So it's like "account name: inbox", my mail and the german word for inbox which is longer then inbox. just "inbox" looks better as this now, but this is just my opinion.

i don't understand your new feature (as needed folder navigation). what is meant? maybe i don't understand it because of my not so well english, sorry.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2013, 03:01:01 am »
[..] So it's like "account name: inbox", my mail and the german word for inbox which is longer then inbox. just "inbox" looks better as this now, but this is just my opinion.

i don't understand your new feature (as needed folder navigation). what is meant? maybe i don't understand it because of my not so well english, sorry.

So what should I do?

Some users are asking to show "account: folder", others saying "no, leave it like it is, just folder".

I really don't want to add yet another "checkbox".

Should I show just the account name for POP3? What about a POP3 account's deleted folder?

Or maybe account / folder on top of each other (in portrait mode), like in built-in Email, but the fonts look really small (attached).

The folder navigation stuff is for IMAP, where there is a need to access folders without having to sync them all the time.

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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2013, 04:06:35 am »
Maybe an option where you can choose what you want?
I really like the way how it looks in the attached picture!
"account: folder" looks not good for me, too much text in too little space (can't show my whole e-mail, not enough space)
On your screenshot, that's the perfect way <3

I don't understand the rest you wrote pretty well, because my english is not so good. Sorry for that. Anyways, i have a question (maybe that is what you talking about i don't know -> "POP3 account's deleted folder").
The "delete mails from server"-option is now in, that's great. But, in the standard e-mail app when i deleted a mail it gets deleted on server (goes to trash folder on server) AND the mail was going to the trash folder on the smartphone too. I would like if i could do the same in your app.
Is it possible yet to do that in your app? If yes, how? If no, will it come in the future?
Now in your app the mail gets deleted on the server (goes to trash folder, how it should be), but on the phone the e-mail is just gone, does not switch to the trash folder on the phone too.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2013, 12:58:11 pm »
When you delete a message in my app, you should be seeing a "Trash can" folder, not an "X".

Trash can -> move to Deleted
"X" -> delete immediately

If you see the "X" icon, long press the account -> Options and Folders -> under "Deleting messages" choose "Move to Deleted first".
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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2013, 04:37:32 pm »
Thank you but that's not what i wanted, if i do that the e-mail on phone goes to the "deleted folder", but stays in inbox on server. The mail should goes to "trash" on both.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2013, 01:47:13 am »
@MurdocNicalls --

POP3 does not provide access to server folders. It's a mail protocol from 1996 (!!!).

Therefore, when you "move to deleted" in my app, for POP3, the message cannot be moved to the corrponding folder on the server -- it's is only presented in a different way in my app.

When you purge the Deleted folder in my app, any message there will be deleted from the server.

I hope this make sense.

IMAP was designed to address this shortcoming (and much more), and it does, but MS is slow enabling it for Hotmail. Hope they hurry up and make good on their August 2012 promise.

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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2013, 02:56:26 am »
I know that access to server folders do not work on POP3. Maybe I don't understand you or you don't understand me, I don't know.

It works on the standard e-mail app. With the standarp app it goes like this: When I delete a mail on my phone the mail switches to the trash folder (or "deleted", how ever you want to call it) on the sever AND on the phone too.
When I delete a mail in your app the mail switches to the trash folder on server BUT the mail on my phone is gone. it does not switch to trash/deleted.
That's what I want, I hope you understand me.


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Re: AquaMail will not update emails deleted on PC?
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2013, 11:50:52 pm »
I think you mean to keep in sync the Trash folder from IMAP.
I don't know if that's possible with Aquamail. Don't use it that way. :P