Author Topic: Block everyone, except white list + continuos alarm notification (Forex Trading)  (Read 5969 times)


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I was looking for a mailing app that I can use on my phone for forex trading tips.

My forex trading tips come in from specific email addresses. I want to receive mail only from these addresses on my phone. I get the other mails on my PC anyways.

Problem is that forex trading tips come in during all hours of the day, and night, and can be valid for only minutes.

That's why I want to be able to setup aquamail to allow the receiving of only my forex tips from addresses that I designate, and block everything else.

I also need aquamail to wake me up when that email arrives, and it needs to keep the alarm going loudly, till I wake up and kill the alarm. I can then quickly enter the trade, and go back to sleep. Atleast till the next tip arrives  ;)

Kostya Vasilyev

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Can you use server side filtering (rules) to put these messages into a separate IMAP folder, then sync only that folder in AquaMail?
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