Author Topic: aqua-mail with go daddy questions  (Read 9857 times)


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aqua-mail with go daddy questions
« on: May 08, 2013, 12:03:46 am »
I have been using aqua mail for quite some time now. I really like it but within the past 6-8 months i have been having a ton of problems. hopefully i can ghet them fixed or i will be forced to use a different app. I have a GO DADDY acct. I have read all the IMAP stuff and tried it, and it still has issues. Just got off the phone with GO DADDY and was told that i cant use IMAP unless i do a $41 a year upgrade. we have our website through them as well. problems im having:

starred messages wont stay on phone
most messages go back to server in 1 day. usually cant bring up old messages on phone
inbox says (xx) amount of messages but maybe only (x) will show up.
in short, messages dont stay on phone.

I have redone all the settings, when i first started using aqua mail, it all worked great., wife is having the same issue. we are using samsung galaxy s3 on verizon...thanks

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: aqua-mail with go daddy questions
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 03:29:19 am »

GoDaddy has a lot of issues with their IMAP servers.

It's too bad they're asking for an upgrade, maybe that's their policy -- advertise a very low price to bring clients in, oversell, then ask for more money when it doesn't work.

I've not just saying it to point a finger, really, I've seen a few debug logs (collected in my app), and it's just..... beyond horrible.

For example, their mail server would say there are no unread messages, then as the app starts retrieving messages, some would show up with unread flags... But before then, the server would fail to return something like a hundred of messages that supposedly exist in the folder.

K-9 runs into issues with GoDaddy IMAP too:

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Re: aqua-mail with go daddy questions
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 04:09:08 am »
so, there really is no way to fix it then...bummer. could you steer me in the direction of an app that wouldnt have these problems? i really like your app.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: aqua-mail with go daddy questions
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2013, 02:58:03 am »
Those problems are on the server side, not in my app. Guess I wasn't clear enough.

Let's do a quick Google search for "k-9 godaddy imap":

- Android 2.3.7, IMAP, and Username or password incorrect

- IMAP email not being pushed to phones

- Unlimited IMAP acct. Doesn't Sync Sent Messages

- GoDaddy IMAP email on Xoom don't work!

- IMAP Sync with has Problems


K-9 is an excellent mail app. It's recommended by GoDaddy. And it runs into a host of issues with those servers.

Really, if GoDaddy says they provide IMAP, shouldn't their servers, you know, work?
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Re: aqua-mail with go daddy questions
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2013, 02:16:53 am »
I use AquaMail with GoDaddy with no issues - but I'm an old-school POP3 guy since the mid 1980s.

I want my own local copy of the messages, and I don't want to be at the mercy of weak server connectivity while writing long messages.

Try setting up AquaMail to use POP3 and tell all of your POP3 clients to leave the message on the server, and you should be fine.


Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: aqua-mail with go daddy questions
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2013, 02:35:10 am »
POP3 is a much (much!) more simple protocol, so it's harder to mess up :)

It's IMAP that's hosed: inconsistent data in the mail store (depending on which commands are used to obtain it), server not being able to return message, IMAP IDLE (push mail) working on some load-balanced servers but not on others (officially not supported, and yet advertised in server capabilities), etc.
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