Push is the number one battery burner.
You might find this amusing (and supportive of my assessment):
Within push, the things that matter are: the total number of folders (across all accounts) in push mode, and the "messages per page" setting (how many recent messages to keep up to date).
Finally, I recommend looking at total battery use, as seen in the device's system settings / battery, and not worrying too much about the number of wake lock acquire / release transactions (popular in third party optimizer apps).
Indeed I am not too concerned about repeated 'wake'. It only uses significant power if awake for long periods. However, as i have described below, even in active use, the 'awake' trace is insignificant. What I am seeing is the WiFi on for long periods when the screen is off. As I use the tablet quite heavily with the screen on most days, it is not an issue as the screen is the biggest hog. I suspect it will be a problem if I have the device 'idle' most of the time.
Actually the layout of the battery display screen is less than obvious, with the captions and bars rather crushed together. Not sure if all android devices are like this.
There are bars for:
Awake ( which I take to be a STATE of 'awake', not a TRANSITION - 'awaken')
Screen on
Take today, for example. The tablet was charged overnight but not turned right off. It has been off the charger for 1 hour 40 mins.
I pulled out the power plug half an hour before using the device. The battery display shows the WiFi on for 15 mins or so after pulling the charger plug, then off for another 15 or so. Then I opened the cover, the screen and WiFi both on, right until now. The device was not moved until then. If not aquamail, most likely something else was holding the WiFi on for that first 15 minutes. It seems likely that something in aquamail does come to life when charging, as it is not uncommon to hear the sound of a new email up to a minute after plugging in the charger.
The 'awake' trace is almost blank, with little spikes now and again. This is counterintuitive!
I have had the screen open and using it for one hour and ten minutes yet it is hardly ever awake?
Anyway, I do have push enabled, and will try turning it off. I am checking three accounts, and I don't have more than a standard number of folders (I am not using rules on the server to put mails in different folders).
Interesting email...