Author Topic: Sent Folder Syncing/Auto Refresh  (Read 6137 times)


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Sent Folder Syncing/Auto Refresh
« on: May 15, 2013, 06:51:10 pm »

Great app! Two requests for you though:

1) At the moment I can make all sent emails be copied to the [Sent] folder, which I can then set to sync to the IMAP sent folder, e.g. [Google Mail]/Sent Mail. The problem with this is that every time I check my emails, it also syncs the sent folder which takes a bit of time (4000 emails to sync, compared to just 20 in my inbox!). Could you add an option to copy all sent mail to the IMAP sent folder directly? That way I can turn off the syncing of the sent item folder to save time when syncing normally.

2) Can you add an option to auto-refresh a folder when going into it? I currently have my inboxes (and sent mails) set to sync on the "app resuming" event, but if I go into another folder I have to remember to hit the refresh button rather that it triggering a refresh automatically at that point.

