Author Topic: Download messages based on Days (NOT Messages)  (Read 5949 times)


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Download messages based on Days (NOT Messages)
« on: May 12, 2013, 09:46:30 pm »
There used to be an option to keep all messages up to a specific amount of days back (ex: Download ALL messages no older than 30 days).

Where did this option go??

I have been using your app for about 9 months, and just got a new phone, the option is not there on my old one now either.

Please Advise.  Please bring this option back as I can have a bunch of necessary emails within one folder that my span 30 days, but I don’t want to download 100+ emails for every single folder.


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Re: Download messages based on Days (NOT Messages)
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 12:11:40 am »
I just received an email from the developer stating this was never an option.
May have been my mistake as I have used 3 different mail clients simultaneously (including HTC and Aquamail together on my HTC Sensation 4G with T-Mobile).

I would like to make this a feature request for the same reason stated previously.
I don't always need the same number of emails in each folder, I am more concerned with the most recent emails and being able to have all communications within the past month directly on my phone.  No matter how many emails they are.  And if their are not a lot of emails then I don't need to have 100+ emails from 6 months ago taking up storage on my device(s).