Hi all,
First, congratulations for AquaMail... My previous IMAP client was really poor, but the new one is simply fantastic !

But I have a small problem... I'm not sure I had it when I started using AquaMail, but it's here for at least a month:
I have my own IMAPS server, I use a lot of folders to sort my mails, and some of them are defined as incoming folders in AquaMail.
And sometimes (and for a particular folder, it's obviously "every time"), AquaMail marks some of my new mail as read, even if I don't touch my phone at all.
AquaMail is configured with the default "quarters of an hour" new mails checking (0, 15, 30 & 45).
I verified this this morning by having a thunderbird running, and seeing that:
- A mail arrived at 8:02 in my "it does this every time" folder (INBOX/Shops/Materiel-net if it helps)
- Every refresh I did in thunderbird told me the mail was in an unread state
- Until 8:15 where the mail automatically switched to a read state.
If those information help, feel free to use them:

- I do not use or show the Global Mailbox
- I used AquaMail to mark as read every mail contained in this folder (select all, mark as read, load next messages, select all, mark as read, etc, etc...) a few month ago.
- Some folder seems impacted sometimes, others every time, and others seems to be clean.
- I swear I have no other email client or script that could do this !

Anyway, again, thanks a lot for your work, and now, for your help !
