AquaMail Forum

English - Android => Bug reports => Topic started by: elipsett on February 12, 2013, 03:23:39 pm

Title: installed aquamail and regular mobile g3 email send/rcv disabled
Post by: elipsett on February 12, 2013, 03:23:39 pm
I have a Samsung Galaxy TAB running Android 2.3 or so. It is on a mobile phone contract with Japanese docomo, using g3 and wifi.

Aquamail installed normally, and I set up gmail/imap. Aquamail worked fine with gmail, but my regular phone email service send and receive was disabled. I had to delete Aquamail and do a hard restart to recover.

If I can use Aquamail I want to, but I must keep by regular phone/email working too.

Any suggestions?
Title: Re: installed aquamail and regular mobile g3 email send/rcv disabled
Post by: Kostya Vasilyev on February 17, 2013, 11:07:20 pm
My app does not mess with other apps (how would it? that would be a major security hole in Android).

In fact, I've got Gmail's native app enabled on some of my devices, alongside my app (for the same account and more), and K-9 and Android built-in Email on some others.

Not trying to question what you were seeing, just saying the app does not try to do that.

Oh, we've got a Samsung Tab where the built-in Email is also enabled and working alongside my app.
Title: Re: installed aquamail and regular mobile g3 email send/rcv disabled
Post by: elipsett on February 24, 2013, 05:51:53 pm
Tried it again, after cleaning up my system. It seems to be working fine now, thank you. I'll try it a little longer, then buy it if it keeps working normally.

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